Associate Partner

Mr. Yeremiah Mwampulule Mbaghi is an Associate Partner responsible for supervision of consulting services to all clients in all areas of taxation and finance.

Prior to joining Nshishi Attorneys and Tax Consultants Mr. Yeremiah Mwampulule Mbaghi was employed by Tanzania Revenue Authority until his retirement.

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He has 31 years working experience in Tax Administration. He started from lower ranks as Income Tax Assessor in the then Income Tax Department in the Ministry of Finance to Trainer at the Institute of Tax Administration (ITA), Principal Tax Education Officer and lastly, he worked as Compliance Manager in the Large Taxpayers Department of the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) until he retired from civil service on 13th June 2019.

He holds a Master’s Degree (MBA) from Mzumbe University and Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom) majored in Accountancy from July 1985 – June 1988 from the University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania. He is also one of the first graduates of the Post Graduate Diploma in Taxation (Income Tax Assessors) which was conducted by the Institute of Tax Administration as a special programme for newly employed graduates which was conducted for 18 months

He is still a part time Lecturer at the Institute of Tax Administration (ITA) and attended various courses such as Training of Trainer Courses (TOT) – (Gavle Sweden), Training on Direct and Indirect Taxes by International Management Development Center for HIPC Nation – (Manzin, Swaziland), Taxation on Financial Institution, Insurance, Capital Markets and Securities by Kilimanjaro International Inc. – Arusha, Level I and II on IRS Auditing Training – ITA, Dar es Salaam and Achieving Leadership Potential Programme held by HMRC and CATA in Lincoln and London in UK

He has vast experience in corporate income tax, Value Added Tax, Transfer Pricing documentation, Enterprise wide Risk Management, Quality Management System, Business Continuity Management Systems and trainings development and management